Memory Korea
It is many similar between Korea and Vietnam at culture, food, life acting. In 1990”s Korea Film was intergrated to Vietnam, korea fashion and other culture activities exchange always organization
Moreover, there is same factor of political, geophysical, history between both countries. Vietnam history on 1950-1955”s was devided 2 parts: South and Northen ,which is same as Korea at present.Above situation aslo not prevent the good relationship in economic between Vietnam and South Korea
After the high development steps, S. Korea has good living standard. Korea has named “ one of Asia dragon “ Korea is the leader in industrial facilities all the world. Their business man aslo the different marked, which is strongly personalities and strongly business way of Korea characteric
Similar to Thailand and Indonexia, Vietnam is good business places to Korean, where is stopping of hundred thousand Korea for living and working. Korean in Vietnam has 500,000 people, located mostly in Hanoi and HCMC but now many Korean moved to stay at Nha Trang Town
I have many time s to trip in Korea and aslo eat and drink many places at Seoul and Busan. This showned me that Seoul and Busan have some diferrent demand of dried fish
Seoul market, which included in 2 neighbouring provinces has over 20 millions people.They mostly is youngman and women and has some easy in eating and drinking, special to Vietnam dried fish. In here , there is devided some quality levels. Kwang – Buk, where is located Nothern Seoul has dried fish market of Jung Buk. which same as Chanh Hung of HCMC, run at night time only. This Jung Buk has many dried fish, squid, baby shrimp from Vietnam, China and Thailand every night from 12.00pm – 4.00am. It is confirmed that this is centtal market of medium – person all Seoul. Beside, located in South Seoul of Kwang Nam, Garak is the modern – auction market in Seoul. This market has full frozen, fresh to dried seafood, which came from Russiam China, Vietnam, Thailand. Anchovy market in Garak is big area, running time from 5.00 am -7.00 am and can up 8.00 am.Q”ty is one day under transaction of 1-2 cont “ 20 (12,000 kgs)
Busan market with some neighbouring provinces such as Taegu, Yujin… has over 10 millions.Busan people has strongly personality while Seoul is kindly and modest. So, Busan market is more strickly in quality control, no accept of technical mistake. Zagalchi is one of central market at Busan, transaction q”ty at this market is same as Garak market in Seoul
Backing to the question at first page “ Why Korea import many anchovy from Vietnam? “Detailed answer that q”ty of Vietnam anchovy still not enough this market demand of 40 millions. Beside of local catching, Korea import big q”ty of anchovy from Thailand and Vietnam. If you in Korea meal, you will knew well of anchovy is the necessary dish and obligatory dish in meals of family , friends and meeting. One dish has few anchovy, a few in 3 time: breakfast, lunch and dinner and day by day like this. So, it is such big q”ty “ anchovy serve to everyone
There is separate of end – user in anchovy meals . The richman and high class person usually eat small size 1-2 , 2-3 cms or Chirimen anchovy due to these price is really hight and this anchovy is not cheap for all, which delivery mostly at Wal-Mark, Huyn-dai supermarket and Hanaro and otherwise, salary man or worker and poor man can eat big size anchovy 3-4 cms, 4-5 and 5-7 cms , which has cheap price
Korea Market is our main market in dried anchovy. Tunovers reached about 505.000 USD in 2005. We had this results depend on good quality such as : The moisture is 22%, the size is always equally from size: 1-2cms /2-3cms /3-4cms. In past time, We supply the dried anchovy to customers, We had different changes about packing to suitable for each customers, such as: Korean customers we pack 2kgs/carton or depend on each customer.
At present, the dried anchovy was sold in Jung Bu Market in Seoul . Specially, The dried anchovy was publiced sold at GARAK Market , and ZAGACHI in Busan
Moreover, Korea is big consumption of herring, capacity of herring is 3 x 20’cont/month. We have shipped 94 tons herring in 2005.
Chief or housewife in Korea used both anchovy and herring like main food on family meal. They added pepper, salt, water yoke soup…
We had success depend on closed co-operated of customers at Korea. We know throughly about market, every days we contact to customs via telephone in oder to satisfy retail buying.
We export 14,3 tons of dried anchovy each month, the average value of each container is 42,000 USD. We had the fixed position at Korea market. All of the contract were payment by cash, We had this good payment is depend on absolute confidence between customers & us.
However, in the past co-operation, We had some difficult such as : lack of quantity, bed quality out of control, We will make amend to customers for our mistakes. This is our base & guideline which we are interested in order to bring best quality to customers
In 2005, we have been shipped to Seoul and Busan about 190 tons anchovy (size 1-2 , 2-3 and 3-4 cms) and about 100 tons herring (size 5-7, 7-9 and 9-11cms). Total 290 tons dried fish, which q”ty marked our DKPT dried fish in Korea market
At Busan International Seafood and Fish Expo on Nov 2006, we expect to reach more marketshare at Busan, special is herring in Busan, which has more big compsumtion than Seoul
At the regular meeting with buyers, we have strongly approval of stable quality to anchovy and herring, special at anchovy select size and herring moisture. After finishing both, we will get good stand and build good brand of DKPT dried fish ./.
Fish Story

Dried Herring

Material (Gold Stripe Sardinella) ---> Wash ---> Steam --->Dry the sun --->Packing --->Preserving
Throughout DKPT Company, Gold Stripe Sardinella become our company’s traditional product and large exporting amount in Korea market.
Normal packing dimension is 2kg/carton but now we do this product in VAT in small bag 200gr/bag. This is our plan in the future.
In general, Gold Stripe Sardinella is a product that it is caught and processed with large consumption market and convenient condition so we pay attention to develop this fish.
Dried Black Marlin

This India fish named course is Makaira Indica and English name is black Marlin. This is a fish with greatness and length that can reach at 1-2m.Itsfigure looks like broadbill swordfish and in Viet Nam, black Marlin are being mainly caught from Vung Tau to Kien Giang provinces.Processing procedures:
Material (black marlin) ---> Wash 1 ---> Preliminary treatment ---> fillet Wipe out oil ---> Wash 2 ---> Soak salt --->
Dry the sun ---> Finish product ---> Packing ---> Preserving
This is a species of fish in the meat that is very long and hard and solid, so it is really attracted. Before it was mainly done freezing, now in our DKPT Company, Black marlin had been processed into dry fish that the most important is the product of dried salted fish for exporting to the market Europe and America. It is rated very high in these two markets closed with small bags from 100g to 200g and vacuum, so it will increase more time preserving as well as ensuring quality in a long time.On the other hand, in the process for taking the product of our DKPT Seafood Company that the black Marlin is a dried fish products are very promising business as well as attracting a large number of consumers because they are really impressed in the fresh and freezing product from this black Marlin.
Dried KIngFish (wahoo)

This fish is mainly caught in parallel of latitude 12-15 degree Northern due to province’s boat groups: phu Yen, Binh Dinh, Quang Ngai. One moon (30 dats) is the normal time to catch.
Before the kinds of this fish is mainly done in freezing production, peace of fish and sent American and Europe market. Besides, It is slso made sashimi for Japenese market. Now dried fish Europe marketis mainly the same our dried fish that we are exporting England, Netherlands, Sweden and Canada…..
Material (Wahoo)--->Wash --->1 Preliminary treatment ---> fillet ---> Wipe out oil ---> Wash 2 ---> Soak salt ---> Dry the sun ---> Finishing product ---> Packing ---> Preserving
In Europe, this product Providers before us is supplier in India, Jemen….Especially, in 2008, this product has a high price.
We pack in small bag (200gr), alu bag covers and sucking vacuum so that we can preserve better and longer.
In Ho Chi Minh City, there are only suppliers to produce this product: our DKPT Company and APT Company.
Generally, this is a good market for our both of 2 companies because there are very few companies pay attention this product. However, Europe customers make the order with little quantity, so it is difficult to transfer from VN to Europe by container.
Processing production of this product in Europe is called ‘’salted fish’’ but we add a step dry the sun to get moisture 20%.
In planning 2009, Our Company focuses to develop the product in VAT as Wahoo and Queen fish.
We hope this product is one of five new products which we especially develop to decrease depending on exporting turn-over of Korea and Ukraine market.
cách chế biến các loài khô

1 Cá Cơm
Cá cơm đã phơi khô cho tí nước vào làm cho nó mềm chút,cho dầu và hành vào rồi rang lên hoặc cho ít nước mắm, nước màu, tí mỡ vào rồi kho .Lúc chuẩn bị nhắc xuống thi cho hành lá vào.
Bắt chảo dầu( một ít) lên cho nóng, bỏ cá vào chiên vàng
( chuẩn bị nước mắm tỏi, ớt, đường, cho thêm một ít nước lọc vào để giảm bớt độ mặn, quậy cho tan đường)
Đổ chén nước mắm vào cá vừa chiên xong, nhỏ lửa để cá thấm đều.
Chiên giòn, kho mặn ngọt chua cay, tẩm bột chiên giòn rồi chiên giòn giông tôm chiên bột dị đóa
Kho : thường sử dụng đối với loại cá lớn.Cá rửa sạch,tao qua dầu ăn,nếm gia vị , nếu cá mặn, cho thêm ớt,tỏi,đường, bột ngọt..Cá nhạt cho thêm mắm vào,cho vào 1 ít nước, sau đó kho rim cho đến cạn nước là xong.
Rang :thường sử dụng đối với cá nhỏ,vụn..bạn cho dầu hơi nóng, đổ cá cơm nhỏ vào,rang cho đến khi hơi vàng.Nước mắm +bột ngọt+tiêu (hoặc ớt bột) đã pha sẵn đúng liều lượng rưới vào khi cá vừa chuyển màu vàng.,bạn dùng đũa đảo nhanh sao cho cá trộn đều,ráo mắm.và không bị cháy
Sưu tập: Internet
2. Gỏi cá chỉ vàng
Gỏi này thường được dùng như một món khai vị cho các bữa tiệc, nó cũng thích hợp với những bữa nhậu, buổi liên hoan..
Nguyên liệu:
- 1 túi cá khô chỉ vàng
- 3 trứng vịt
- 1 lỗ tai lợn
- 300 g tôm đất
- 100 g đậu phộng
- 5 cọng cần Tàu
- 1 nắm rau răm
- 1 nắm rau thơm
- Bánh phồng tôm
- 2 củ cà rốt
- 3 quả khế
- 3 quả chuối chát. Mùi + gia vị
- 1 củ hành tây
- 6 quả ớt, 4 quả chanh, giấm
Thực hiện:
Chuẩn bị:
- Cá rửa sạch chặt đuôi, chiên vàng.
- Trứng vịt đập ra tô để tí muối + bột ngọt + màu vàng + 1 thìa cà phê bột năng + 1 thìa cà phê nước, chiên vàng như bánh xèo xắt sợi.
- Lỗ tai lợn luộc chín xắt sợi.
- Đậu phộng rang vàng đâm dập.
- Cần Tàu cắt khúc.
- Rau răm + rau thơm rửa sạch xắt sợi.
- Bánh phồng chiên.
- Càrốt xắt sợi ướp đường xả sạch vắt ráo.
- Khế + chuối cắt sợi ngâm nước chanh, vớt ra rổ cho ráo nước.
- Hành tây xắt khoanh tròn ngâm giấm đường.
- Ớt tỉa hoa + xắt sợi.
- Tôm rửa sạch rang chín với muối, lột vỏ chừa đuôi.
Chế biến:
- Tất cả các thứ trên trộn đều lại (mỗi cái chừa một ít trình bày) nêm muối + đường + bột ngọt + nước chanh cho vừa chua ngọt là được.
Trình bày:
Cho gỏi ra dĩa trên để cá khô + tôm + trứng, cần Tàu, điểm ớt tỉa hoa cho đẹp. Ăn với nước mắm tỏi ớt và bánh phồng tôm
Dried yellow stripe trevally

In Vietnam, there is a kind of Yellow Stripe Trevally in English and Selaroides reptorepi in science’s name. It is exploited at the sea of Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan, Vung Tau, Ben Tre, Kien Giang.
Material (YST) ---->Wash ---->Cutting head---->Fillet ----> Wipe out oil ---->Soak spice ----> Dry the sun
Cutting product ----> Packing ----> Preserving.
This is the high value product and the large quantity so it brings big turn-over and profit for our company. One convenient condition, we located near original material, so we can provide for the large orders in short time.
Generally, this is old product but it has good consumption. However, there is decreasing due to world economy situation in 2008, we believe that Yellow Stripe Trevally keep a high position in dried seafood market.
The main consumption market of Yellow Stripe Trevally is in Russia, Ukraine, China…… To satisfy the consumers of this product, we did and will develop to new markets on over the world.
We will pack in small bag: 18gr, 36gr, 100gr, 200gr and box (15kg/carton). With these packing dimensions, we can send Yellow Stripe Trevally to many areas in the world
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