Germany know well Russia market. This result is bnajority control of German goods at Maxcova in particular and Russia in general. From 1995 to 2003, especially yellow stripe trevally dividesion from Thailand to Germany, Russia. Until 2006 remainder of mark at this point is design packing and color. German understand cultural and history of Russia. They know throughly the golden age of Tsar influence (or called Tsar) that salient feature is yellow color of Tsar Dynasty – this color is only used by King (like Viet Nam Feudal dynasteis and Chinese forbided the grassroot decorate and use yellow things.Geman businessman, as Zolotog Team boss, BridgeFood Town boss in Moscow exploit yellow advantage. So, they showed 9% on their product packing as snack stripe yellow travelly, snack anchovy, snack quidring. Until after 2002, goods growth of Thailand and China at Russia, market share of German decreased little by little (especially in dry fish fied ) and they moved market from Russia to EU countries. For example: Hungary, Rumani, Austria, Poland and concentrated a number of frozen products mainly at Moscow and Saint Peterburg as Tilapia Spring Roll. They, German businessman has a very strong personality, very punctilious in working. Unlike French, German mechanics is salient by far Japanese mechanics the largest port in Germany is Hamburg, but Bremenhaven in Germany where concentrate to manufacture aquatic product. At here, concentrate over 20 factoriesto process top of Germany, such as Frozen Fish, Fosta AG with productivityis not under 10 tons per day.I had chance with 14 Vietnam aquatic product SME companies worked near 5 Bremenhaven aquatic product factories. Under organization and instruction of Iwent, after 2 days to visit. A surprise although prepared previous to came with us: Robot packs. It workes briskly from, to order carton tank, to open packing out material tank. Whether big Robot as Komatsu acrane to dig the earth or caterpila – 80% rest steps are working of machine. Hand of human only hold 10% quantity working. This is a complete opposite figure with producion line at sea food factories in Viet Nam and very exact for shortage of labour and high labour and high labour price in Germany and EUThere is plain discrimination between factories at Bremenhaven, the rich as Frozen Fish, Frosta AG main products to have stable meterials source as importer source of tilapia from China while smaller workshp only manufacture to serve Germany inland market.For example packing salted herring fish pay attention to taste of German is very satly. If people in South of Russia or Ukraine likes salty rate about 0.5% in dry kinds fish, German about 0.7% in salted fish, marinated fish and smoked fish.The second poitn in shopping factor of German is packing , this is deciding factor and tone values decided to 90% when design packing, 10% remain are packing meterials.At Bremen and Bremenhaven center, I note well 2 products those are :+ Marinated herring: If granarys are in Phan Thiet town, Phan Ri town or Cam Ranh Town (VietNam) supply marinated fish to market China, Taiwan or HongKong. There are rate salt/fish is 15%, 85% is meat of fish.+ Smoked fish: Smoked herring hold about 50% smoked salmon. I notice very much, this smoked process to marketing within next 5 years. At Germany, smoked flavouring is used oak smell, then at Russia is used pine at Vietnam (as Vissan factory) is used smell of jack wooden+ Besides whereas some different goods is term of marinated as kinds shrimp, pink shrimp, cat tiger shrimp, while shrimp.I have a fun story about Dr.Keller, when I was in Gemany. That has 2 laboratory to study of seafood, microorganism at Hamburg.At 5 a.m, we start at Bremen to came Hamburg. Street into Hamburg city have to cross 2 overpass. Under that 2 overpass is a Hamburg port. I see through mother vessrl CMA CMG, this is shipping line where I usually close dried anchovy and stripe yellow travelly container to Odessa, Ukraine and Ilook forward my cout of marinated & smoked fish will be on CMH versel at Hamburg port .Mr.Keller met us at Fish Market of Hamburg on the gate. He reached us the shop by the shop, and he recommended us the fish by fish during 1 hour 30” non- stop. At there, I knew well hand – dock fish, saith fish, salmon fish and some tropical fish imported to Germany Hamburge fish Market located on river side, where I saw Cosco Vessel run with over 1000 TEU, has 500- 600 m2. Mostly there fresh fish, such as I told above the catching line of chaine in Hamburge mostly came from Holland or Mediterranean by norway and Denmark vessel. I surprise very much the fillet way of seller at shop. He get out over fish had and stomach, with the rate on 60-40 (40% laø waste).Coming bach Bremen, anchovy and herring size had made us big surprise because Anchovy was catched at Biscay Bay, where sea border between France – Spain, size of this anchovy normally is 15 – 18 cms, this same as stripe anchovy in the Middle of Vietnam. Anchovy mainly sold under whole fish and fresh one.Herring fish after filled has size a hand, about 15 – 20cms, this size rarely catching in Vietnam although at Vung Tau, where store the most of herring.